Mother Bins

Centre Lift Bins
Model Sizes: 85T, 110T, 130T
Dunstan Mother bins make harvest easy. With capacities to 150 tons and a range of options including standard or steerable axle configurations to make bulk handling of your grain easier, safer, and faster. Our range of models include 85t, 110t, 130t and massive 150t bins.
Dunstan’s have recently introduced a range of Centre Lift Bins in 85t, 110t and 130t capacity. The centre lift is designed for greater mobility, and is ideal for smaller laneways and gates , however these bins can not be moved with grain inside.
Dunstan mother bins can be used as buffer storage to make transport easier and faster with less waiting time, or storage straight off the header, saving you labour and making logistics simple and easy. Dunstan Mother Bins are tough and they last. Look around at harvest and you’ll notice how many orange Dunstan bins are still giving great service to their owners, in some cases for over 50 years.
Dunstan bins are strong enough to be towed with up to 50T of grain inside (does not include Centre Lift Bin). That gives you extra flexibility during harvest to make you even more efficient.
Dunstan bins are designed with safety in mind too. All of our bins meet OH&S standards and can be operated from ground level or the tractor cabin.
As always Dunstans are all about backup and support. We have a full time service technician on the road all year to ensure your chaser or mother bins are ready to perform flawlessly at harvest.